Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Project 52

I am excited to announce I will be taking part in project 52. A lot of people do project 365, but I recently learned about p 52. And that is definitely more my speed. I can certainly do a photo a week. But I don't really have the time to do it every single day. And I would feel bad for not finishing p 365-so I decided to do
I now just need to come up with a theme. I think I am going to make an album at the end of the year with all the photos. I want to do something that is special to us. That we will cherish as a family.

I am also contemplating doing something like Tara Whitney did this year. Hers was called 6 people 12 times. But mine would be 5 people 12 times.

I am sooo excited for the new year!!!

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