I can not believe my baby is turning 2 this month. In two weeks to be exact. WOW!! Time flies. Which having two other children, I am no stranger to how fast the little babes grow. But oh my! She is my last little one. No more babies. No more babies to nurse.

I am looking forward to no more diapers. And having a tad more freedom from the constant dependency. But it still saddens my heart to know that I can no longer have another child, even if I wanted. But that was a choice I chose. I felt it was more important to be here with all my health with the three children I already have, instead of risking my health to potentially have another child. It was an easy decision, but that doesn't mean I do not get the urge to grow another baby and nurse that baby, and watch he/she grow.

But just as fast as these feeling come they flow out faster. I am reminded that I indeed have my hands very full already. And that I am so close to my three loves having a little more independence. Now granted, Emily has a ton of independence, but it is not warranted. She is scavenger. This child rarely asks for help, and when she does it is because she has already tried on her own. Now do not misread our parenting in this. This is just how the child is wired I guess. I would much rather her come to me with everything, and I never have to worry about what in the world she is getting into. There would be far less messes around here to interrupt the day.
Emily is a very smart (almost) 2 year old. She talks better than Trent in some cases. She loves to color (on her furniture and self mostly). She is quite stubborn (which is a household dilemma). She is so tiny for all the spunk she carries. She adores her sister and brother (mostly). She is very funny, and knows this.
I could not believe it when I found out I was pregnant with Emily. And I was a little scared (since I had placenta abruptio with Trent). But I am so happy to have her in our lives. She totally completes our family.
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