Friday, July 31, 2009

Too Long

I feel incredibley annoyed that I have not been able to keep up with this blog, or any of my other internet happenings. We had to cancel our internet service for a few reasons. The main one being our computer got a virus and we have to either buy a new one or pay to get it fixed. We wanted to just buy a new one, but I think we will keep it for a little longer and opt to go the cheaper route of $65 to clear the virus.

We are just really tring hard to get by. Justin got laid off, along with 25 of his co-workers. This has set us back major. I do have a job, but with the economy a new hair stylist is not really what you want to be if you are the only person working in your household. Not in my small town anyways. I have done pretty good this week. And I have been selling paintings. I am hoping to get more clients as far as both go, but especially my paintings.

Justin and I both start school online next month. For teaching. We need something steady and reliable. I hate stressing over money. Luckily, Justin and I do not fight over financial issues. People like to say money doesn't bring you happiness. And my reply is no, it in itself will not make you happy, but if you are already happy, but have tons of stress weighing on you bc you have no idea how you are going to pay your rent, yeah--money will make your life happy. That is our only stress. But it makes other things fall apart.


If you are interested in an original painting check out my art at

I will be adding more pics of commissions I will have completed this weekend. So do check back there in a few days.

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