What a tiny little one year old you are.
I love how you laugh at everything. A little giggle follows almost every moment. It is so sweet, the sound of your laughter.
Just a couple days ago you began to walk those legs all around. Falling requently and quite wobbley, you still continued. For a while I feared you would not walk until you were 14 months old, like your brother. And let me tell you, a mother should not be having to carry around a child of that age. Her arms and back can only permit the weight for so long. Even a tiny little 10 lb baby gets heavy after some time. But you started to show off at a friend's birthday party. Since then, you have been strutting your stuff around the house. Although you fall often, you sometimes stand back up and truck along some more. Each time you seem to get farther and farther. I love to watch how you balance with your arms and back all contorted. ha. And you are so proud of yourself.
I hope you will always know how loved you are. Your big brother and sister have an adoration for you like no other. They will always be there to protect you. And you are so small, but the love for them in your eyes is awesome to witness. We are all very joyed to have you in our little family. A perfect stopping point to the beginning of a wonderful life.
Although you are rather hard headed and can have the greatest temper to come from such a small being-you are such a brilliantly sweet creature. Your smile lights up any room. And who can resist those eyes? Oh, those amazing eyes.
I love you, Emily!! And although I am saddened by your aging, I am happy you will soon be able to communicate with the rest of us here in the Hill house.
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