Like I said. I would post more pics with my hair fixed. Well, this is after working all day, but who really cares? No one, I am quite sure.
I am still getting used to looking at myself with a very cute fringe. I have not had bangs since the 4th grade. And even then I remember I would wear them back in barettes because I was growing them out.
I am currently in the awfully long process of growing my hair out long again. It would be a pretty good ways along had I not gotten the urge to just cut it back off again and again and again. But I have stuck it out for a while now. And I am finally past the hideous "in between" stage. I did have to thin the mess out though when my bangs were cut. That was already planned.
Justin doesn't really like the bangs. He thinks my hair looked "cool" before. My mom informed me today that they make my face look fatter. But I am not one of those people that stops liking something just because someone else doesn't approve. I do like them. I do think they would look better on me if i were thinner. But just because I am not doesn't mean it is an awful looking hairstyle. Let me just stop because I think that may turn into a completely different blog.
By the way I have to get all my "things" in order and then I will start getting healthy. I will keep it updated on here. I am excited!
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