Sunday, May 31, 2009
DragQueen Fashionista
His new thing is to give a thumbs up to the camera.
This was taken the same day. As you can tell from the photo, he is rather fashionable. His underwear is inside out, no pants, and of course, rocking the infamous john deere boots!!!
And lets not forget the spongebob bandaid. Put on his leg for no other reason than Brenna had one. It's hard being a fashion icon. But if someone has to do it, why not let it be a 2 year old little south Georgia boy.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Etsy: Up and Running
I finally put up my first item on etsy tonight. It has taken me years to do so. But I did it. I still have a lot more paintings to get done this week. I need to get them up there asap!
I will be selling original paintings, and maybe a few drawings, along with painted monogram canvases. They will be custom orders. If you are interested please contact me at . Or if you have an etsy account (which you will need one to order-they are free) you can also convo me there. I check it all daily.
Unforunately the pictures didn't turn out so well of this painting. So I will have to try again tomorrow. And now I must go and paint.
You can check it all out at
Etsy Rules!!
I bought supplies today and should have the art up this week. I will definitely let everyone know.
I will be starting out with oil painted canvases of original abstract pieces. And also monogrammed, name, and letter canvases for children's rooms. Lots more will be added soon. I just need to get all of my ideas down on paper and get the supplies ready.
I am so very excited. I can not wait to share this with you all. I will be doing custom orders as well.
Oh, and for all you Twilight fans out there!! I have a few special pieces in mind. That will be ready in a couple of weeks. I will keep you all informed of all the excitement.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
The Meadow
I have never felt such a thrill throughout my entire being. Looking at the canvas splashed with oils filled my soul with a complete joy. Smiling even as I cleansed my brush. Excitement spilling over the rim.
This is just the beginning. A love lost, but now awakened. Found in the depth of a hidden person. But everyday I come closer and closer to finding it all.
I will post a photo of the finished painting soon. And it will be for sale in my etsy shop-which I will post a link for that too.
A Statement
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Pieces of the Spyglass
I am now aware things need to be done to keep me in a job. Self-discovery may need to speed up a bit. And today part of that was pieced together. A little more searching will get me to the reason behind the culprit. But who knows how long that could take. Time is not on my side. And my head is already spinning.
The things I do know are a little clouded. So it yet to be seen....
Sunday, May 24, 2009
slipping through my fingers
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Leaps and Bounds
The other day Emily was walking with a toy that is made to help babies begin walking and then it turns into a little car. Well, you would have thought it was the most amazing thing she had ever experienced. Even better than taking a bath or eating in her highchair (two things she loves dearly).
Brenna was helping her out when she would need to turn around because she had reached a dead end. Brenna is an absolutely wonderful big sister to both Trent and Emily. She was never jealous and never acted out against them. Trent has never acted jealous towards Emily either.
Well while big sister, Brenna, was assisting little sis, Emily, she grabbed a gold beaded play necklace and put it around Emily's neck. Then proceeded to say "Here, Emily, now you can go shopping." I think I had the biggest smile smacked across my face in that moment of sweetness. It even warms my heart to think about it now.
That afternoon when Justin got home from work I had him come to the back room -where all three of the kids were playing together. I brought the 'walking toy' with us. As soon as Emily placed her eyes onto the glorious devise she lit up. A smile so wide. I put it in front of her and Justin placed himself across the room from her. She got up and placed her hands on the yellow handle and away that little chick flew. She sped across the room towards Justin as fast as her tiny little limbs would go. It was so funny. She knew what she was doing and she was going to do it the best she could.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Photos Galore...

This camera is (although sad to say) out of my league. Hopefully one day it won't be. But for now for several reasons it is. The price is ridiculous and I feel silly even putting it up on here. I wouldn't even know where to start using it. I would learn I know-but yeah. I will be reasonable.
I do not know much about this camera. I just saw a commercial for it and it seemed great. So here it is in my 'wishlist'.
On a brighter note. I will be getting some canvases this weekend! YAY!! So I will finally get to paint again. And I will be listing them on my etsy shop. Hey-maybe they will sell and I can get my camera-hehe.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
what now?
Here i am again. But this time around I am actually aware of what I am going through and I am trying. Last time I "found myself" I wasn't aware I was. I was just living and discovering things day by day. Experiencing life as it came my way. It was an awesome journey. But now I feel lost at times. And a little helpless. I guess because I have a lot more at stake this go around.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Walk on Over Here
I am trying to appreciate every day now. Live in every second. Enjoy my kids while they are still little.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
The First Born
Sleep Everlasting
poptarts are yummy!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
quarterlife crisis??
It takes a lot out of you to come to terms with these sort of feelings. And I felt pulled in a million different directions. Contemplating every aspect of my life. I mean every single part of it. Wondering what had happended to the person I used to be. Had I just abandoned her for this wife and mother person i now had become? Was there room for her again? Where in the world (or my head) would I find her/ find ME?
It really did take a while for me to get ahold of my thoughts and feel like I had some grip on things that were going on in my own head. And now I am searching. It probably will take a while though. But I am ok with that. What I felt crazy about was the fact that I was finding myself again. At 25, married, and with three children. I mean who finds theirself now? I couldn't quite feel normal. But I do now. And I know there is room for everything here inside. Because I am a not just a mother or a wife. I am also something outside of those two roles. And I am learning who that is everyday.
I am no longer scared. I am excited. Excited about change and bringing more fullfilment into my life. And the lives of my children and husband. Because I surely know Justin would love to see that person he fell in love with.
Sickness Becomes Us
Friday, May 15, 2009
Music for Life
I really wish there were soundtracks in real life. Like why can't we have music start playing while we are kissing or having sex? That would make all those emotions so much more intense. And how awkward is it to stop while you are in the moment and turn on a cd? Yeah. Sorry, but I think I would feel a little silly. But maybe I should try it. Ha.
But maybe that is why I like movies so much.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
All By Myself!
these boots were made for walking...
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
vanishing diaper
what can i get into now?
Sunday, May 10, 2009
happy mommy day!

Saturday, May 9, 2009
point of no return
Like I said. I would post more pics with my hair fixed. Well, this is after working all day, but who really cares? No one, I am quite sure.
I am still getting used to looking at myself with a very cute fringe. I have not had bangs since the 4th grade. And even then I remember I would wear them back in barettes because I was growing them out.
I am currently in the awfully long process of growing my hair out long again. It would be a pretty good ways along had I not gotten the urge to just cut it back off again and again and again. But I have stuck it out for a while now. And I am finally past the hideous "in between" stage. I did have to thin the mess out though when my bangs were cut. That was already planned.
Justin doesn't really like the bangs. He thinks my hair looked "cool" before. My mom informed me today that they make my face look fatter. But I am not one of those people that stops liking something just because someone else doesn't approve. I do like them. I do think they would look better on me if i were thinner. But just because I am not doesn't mean it is an awful looking hairstyle. Let me just stop because I think that may turn into a completely different blog.
By the way I have to get all my "things" in order and then I will start getting healthy. I will keep it updated on here. I am excited!
Friday, May 8, 2009
She Bangs
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Rachel Getting Married
( If you have watched it already and do not agree please remember this is my opinion. )
It starts out pretty slow. Which is probably why this was the second time I rented it. I didn't feel as much intrigue (or maybe it was just boredom) last time around.
But once you wait it out, you get to see some real emotional baggage. And it unwinds in the realistic manners I would think. I cried a lot of the time. But it is not all about sadness. I felt it was quite enriching.
And I am wondering if there is a soundtrack. The music was great.
why do we talk so much about our kids??
Let me know what you think.
late night with baby
I tried several times to put her back to bed with utter failure. I finally caved and decided I would just let her stay wide open until she started to drift. And luckily that worked.